Winter UKI February 22-23 2025 Santa Rosa, CA

FROM YOUR SECRETARY Thu 2/13/2025 1:09PM: "If you tried to enter this trial and were unable to, it is because UKI set our run cap too low. I will manually enter anyone who still wants to attend or add classes. Just email me. Thanks.  Chris.

FRIDAY FUN RUNS (regardless of entered or not entered) Runs for a couple hours after rings are set-up, approx 4-6PM.

Ring set-up crew earns free runs! This is the perfect opportunity for young dogs and handlers wanting to get some ring experience.  Trainers, please share this invitation with your students because dogs do not need to be entered in the trial to participate.  $10/run, or $25 for 3 runs of 60 seconds.  Day-of signup only at the gate, cash/check or click HERE to PayPal.

General Trial Info & Premium

Site: Sonoma County Fairgrounds, Lyttle Cow Palace, 1350 Bennett Valley Rd, Santa Rosa CA 95402

Closing date: Feb 12 2025 (425 Runs/day limit)

Premium: Available on UKI Site, only online entries and payments accepted.

Except: If taking a member or keyworker discount, you'll need to pay Bay Team directly via Bay Team's PayPal acct or mail a check to the secretary.

You must be registered with UKI before you enter.

Pay for Your Entry with PayPal

Paying by PayPal? Send it to

You can click on the button below, which will take you to PayPal to pay for your entry. Enter the amount where it says "Price Per Item" and leave the Quantity at 1.

IMPORTANT: You need to PayPal Bay Team directly or pay by Check if you are taking a discount off the entry fees (member's $1 or key worker).  Otherwise you may make your payment directly to UKI via the UKI online entry system when you submit your entry to UKI.

Running Order & Trial Details

Will be available after Close. Email us at

Results and Maps

Copyright 2021, The Bay Team, Inc. Many of the site's photos are courtesy of Katy Robertson.