Summer UKI June 7-8-9, 2024 Prunedale, CA

Results and Maps

Online Results

Results PDFs Note: Some of the PDFs have the wrong titles, due to a software issue. The filenames are correct, even if the title inside the PDF is wrong. For example, ICE Result Titles look weird. And several results sheets from Sunday have the wrong level (S/C vs. B/N). Use the filenames as your source of truth.


Running Order & Trial Details

Coming Soon!

Site: Manzanita Park Sports Complex,
17100 Castroville Blvd, Prunedale CA 93907

Please take a look at the orders and let us know if we missed anything. Email us at

General Trial Info & Premium

ONLINE ENTRIES only at UKI site (but you can pay via PayPal and save the fees)

Closing date: May 28, 2024

Premium: Available on UKI Site, only online entries accepted. If taking a member or keyworker discount, you'll need to pay Bay Team directly via Bay Team's PayPal account or mail a check to the secretary.

You must be registered with UKI before you enter.

Judges Mike Murphy & Ashley Deacon

Trial Committee

ICE Podium Pictures

Friday, June 7 - International Challenge Event!

UKI is excited to announce the launch of a brand-new tournament - The International Challenge Event (I.C.E.)


  Why the International Challenge Event?


  What makes this event stand out?


  What to expect:

Copyright 2021, The Bay Team, Inc. Many of the site's photos are courtesy of Katy Robertson.